84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors
Use this mode to assign voice descriptors for each zone. These are the descriptors that are announced when
the system announces any event involving a zone number. Each descriptor can consist of up to 3 words.
✻84 while in Programming mode.
The prompts for
✻84 are as follows:
84 Voice Descriptors---------------------- Main Menu prompt
A 01 Zone Number ---------------------------for entering the zone number to be programmed
b Descriptor 1----------------------------- for assigning the first word of this zone’s descriptor
C Descriptor 2 -----------------------------for assigning the second word of this zone’s descriptor
d Descriptor 3----------------------------- for assigning the third word of this zone’s descriptor
The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the
available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries.
Note: Entering a number other than the one specified will give unpredictable results.
Assign zone voice descriptors
0 = exit mode
1 = enter mode
Pressing 1 advances to the next prompt below.
Pressing 0 exits mode, upon which this prompt blinks, indicating the
mode is inactive.
A zz
Zone number
[✻] = continue to next prompt (any existing
descriptors will be announced, then
descriptor 1 will be repeated)
00 = exit voice descriptor mode
Enter the 2-digit zone number for which this descriptor is being
assigned, then press [
✻]. The Voice Descriptor for the selected zone will
be announced, if it is programmed.
b vv
Descriptor 1
Enter [#] + 2-digit vocabulary index number of
first descriptor word for this zone.
6 = accept word and advance to descriptor 2
(descriptor 2 will be announced)
8 = accept word and advance to prompt (A) for
next zone. Press any other key to repeat the
selected word.
Enter the first word of the descriptor for the selected zone.
Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described.
To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply
press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number.
If descriptor 1 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to
return to zone number prompt.
C vv
Descriptor 2
Enter [#] + 2-digit vocabulary index number of
second descriptor word for this zone.
6 = accept word and advance to descriptor 3
(descriptor 3 will be announced)
8 = accept word and advance to prompt (A) for
next zone. Press any other key to repeat the
selected word.
Enter the second word of the descriptor for the selected zone.
Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described.
To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply
press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number.
If descriptor 2 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to
return to zone number prompt.
d vv
Descriptor 3
Enter [#] + 2-digit vocabulary index number of
third descriptor word for this zone.
6 or 8 = accept word and advance to prompt
(A) for next zone. Zone descriptor will
be announced. Press any other key to
repeat the selected word.
Enter the last word of the descriptor for the selected zone.
Use the [6] or [8] key to advance as described.
To change the entered index number before pressing [6] or [8], simply
press [#] + desired 2-digit vocabulary index number.
If descriptor 3 is not desired, enter [#] + 99 (blank), then press [8] to
return to zone number prompt.