Remote Programming/Control
General Information
The control panel can be remotely programmed from an IBM-compatible Personal Computer (PC), a HAYES
Modem, and ADEMCO’s Compass Downloader for Windows (as specified below).
Downloading may only be performed if a technician is at the site.
Multiple security levels protect remote programming against compromise by attempts to defeat the system.
1. Security Code Handshake: An 8-digit download ID code must be matched between the Control and
2. Site-Initiated Remote Programming: The installer or subscriber initiates the call from the subscriber
premises (by entering Installer Code + # + 1) while disarmed. All parameters can then be downloaded via
the phone lines using a personal computer.
3. Station-Initiated Remote Programming: The operator calls the site from your office to initiate the
download call. The Control hangs up and then calls back the PC via the preprogrammed telephone
number. The unit can then be uploaded, downloaded, or controlled from your office.
4. Telco Handoff: The installer or subscriber performs a download session on the call initiated from the
site or from local laptop computer (by entering Installer or Master Code + # + 1 at the control panel).
5. Data Encryption: Data passed between the PC and the Control is encrypted for security so that it is
very difficult for a foreign device tapped into the phone line to take over communication and substitute
system-compromising information.
Equipment required to download to a system at the premises
• An IBM PC compatible computer and appropriate interconnecting cables.
• Either a HAYES brand SMARTMODEM 1200 (Level 1.2 or higher external or Level 1.1 or higher [with 4
position DIP switch] internal style), a HAYES brand Optima 336 external, a HAYES brand Optima 24
Plus FAX96, or an Ademco CIA Modem.
• Compass Downloader for Windows (at revision level supporting LYNXR, LYNXR24 or LYNXR-EN).
Initial Download: Enter Installer Code + # + 5. This sets field
✻95 to 4 rings, and system to “no call-back”
option. The download computer can then call the subscriber, make connection, and download all
programming data.
Flexible Callback: If enabled in field ✻93, the download operator can temporarily change the last 1, 2, or 3
digits (depending on selection) of the call back number. This allows the control to call back a computer other
than the one programmed, which may be helpful at times of high computer traffic. See field
✻93 for a full
Remote Programming Information
LYNX must be connected to the telephone line if using Remote Programming.
The downloading system can perform many functions when in communication with the Control. Besides
uploading and downloading, the status of the system can be observed and various commands can be
initiated, as follows:
• Arm the system in the away mode; disarm the system.
• Bypass a zone.
• Force the system to accept a new program download.
• Shut down communication (dialer) functions (for nonpayment of monitoring fees in an owned system).
• Shut down all security system functions (for nonpayment for a leased system).
• Inhibit local keypad programming (prevents account takeover).