System Operation
Trouble Conditions
The word “FAULT” on the keypad’s display, accompanied by a rapid “beeping” at the keypad, indicates that
there is a trouble condition in the system. Pressing any key can silence the audible warning sound. Instruct
users to call for service immediately upon seeing any of the following messages.
• “Fault” and “Battery” Displays
• “FAULT” and one or more zone numbers indicates that a problem exists with the displayed zone(s)
and requires attention. After correcting the problem, the display can be cleared by entering the security
code plus the OFF key twice.
• The fault condition may also be caused by some change in the environment that prevents the built-in
receiver from receiving signals from a particular wireless sensor.
• “LOW BAT” with no zone number indicates that the system’s backup battery is weak.
• “LOW BAT” with a zone number and a once-per-45 seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates that a
low battery condition exists in the wireless sensor displayed (zone “00” indicates a wireless button/keypad).
If the battery is not replaced within 30 days, a “FAULT” display may occur.
• “Fault Zone 93”, along with a flashing “AC” and a once per 45-seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates
a loss of AC power to the 5842 Wireless Dialer (if this feature is supported by the Wireless Dialer being
• “Fault Zone 93”, along with a single beep indicates that setup information from the 5842 Wireless Dialer
has not been properly received.
Power Failure
• If there is no display at all, and both indicators are not lit, operating power for the system has
stopped and the system is inoperative.
• If the display is lit and the AC display is off, the system is operating on battery power only.
• During an AC power loss, the backlighting will turn off and the indicators will flicker slightly to
minimize deep discharge of the battery.
Other Displays
dI = Busy-Standby: Displayed upon power-up. After approximately 1 minute* the green “READY” LED
should light. If the “dI” remains displayed for more than 1 minute, the system is disabled.
*To bypass the 1-minute delay, press [#] + [0]. Important: Do not try to bypass 1 minute delay before “dI”
is displayed!
CC = Modem Comm: The system is communicating with the central station for change of function or
status verification.
FC = Comm. Failure: A communication failure has occurred. This message clears only when the system
is subsequently armed.
90 = RF Jam: The system has detected an RF jamming condition or excessive interference.
93 = Wireless Dialer: Tamper (alarm or trouble), phone line cut, loss of supervision, low battery, or AC
power loss*.
*If supported by the 5842 Wire Dialer that is installed.
PH = Speaker Phone Mode: The system is in Speaker Phone mode.
PC = Phone Control: The remote Phone Control feature is active.
“ -- ” Displayed when entering programming mode if a 5842 Wireless Dialer is enabled.