Testing the System
Test Mode
After installation is completed, the security system should be carefully tested, as follows.
1. With the system in the disarmed state, check that all zones are intact. If the READY LED is
not lit, press the [
✻] key to display the faulted zone(s). Restore faulted zone(s) if necessary, so
that READY LED lights. Fault and restore every sensor individually to assure that it is being
monitored by the system.
2. Enter the security code and press the TEST key. The outside sounder will sound for 1 second
and all the LED segments on the keypad display light for 3 seconds. LYNX announces the
zone’s voice descriptor (if programmed) followed by 3 beeps, each time a contact is faulted. A
test report should be transmitted (if programmed) to the central station immediately. If the
backup battery is discharged or missing, the sounder may not turn on and a LOW BATTERY
report will be transmitted with a TEST report. The keypad will beep once every 45 seconds as a
reminder that the system is in the Test mode.
3. To turn off the Test mode enter security code and press the OFF key.
Notes: (1) Triggering a zone set to Arm AWAY, Arm STAY, or Disarm will take the system out of Test and
cause that action.
(2) BR type transmitters do not display during Test mode (keypad beeps only)
(3) Macros cannot be run from the Test mode.
Armed System Test
Alarm messages will be sent to the central station during the following tests 1 and 2.
Notify them in advance that tests will be in progress.
1. Arm the system and fault one or more zones. After 15 seconds (if optional dialer delay is
selected), silence alarm sounder(s) by entering the code and pressing OFF. Check entry/exit
delay zones.
2. Check the keypad-initiated alarms that are in the system by pressing the Panic key pairs. If the
system has been programmed for audible emergency, the keypad will emit a steady alarm
sound, and “ALARM” and zone number will be displayed. Silence the alarm by entering the
security code and pressing OFF.
If the system has been programmed for silent emergency, there will be no audible alarms or
displays, but a report will be sent to the central station.
3. If Powerline Carrier Devices have been installed, test their programmed action.
4. Notify the central station when all tests are finished, and verify results with them.
5. To test the wireless part of the system and the RF receiver, perform the two additional tests
described in the Installing Wireless Zones section: Sniffer mode and Go/No Go Test.
Note: System Test mode (installer/master code + test) and Go/No Go Test (installer code + # + 8) will
be automatically terminated after 3-1/2 to 4 hours if the installer or user does not manually
terminate it. This ensures that fire and panic zones will not remain disabled. However, Sniffer
mode (installer code + # + 3) does not automatically expire. You must manually exit
(Installer/User Code + OFF) Sniffer mode to return to normal operation.
Regular maintenance and inspection (at least annually) by the installer and frequent testing by the
user are vital to continuous satisfactory operation of any alarm system.
The installer should assume the responsibility of developing and offering a regular maintenance
program to the user as well as acquainting the user with the proper operation and limitations of the
alarm system and its component parts. Recommendations must be included for a specific program of
frequent testing (at least weekly) to ensure the system’s proper operation at all times.