56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode
While in Program mode, press
✻56 to enter Zone Programming Menu Mode.
Refer to the zone assignment table for
✻56 on the separate programming form.
The following explains the
✻56 prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the
available entries for each. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries.
Note: You may find it convenient to adjust the volume setting before entering the Programming Mode. This will allow you to clearly hear
feedback announcements or system beeps.
A 0I
Zone number
01-41, 95, 96, 99 = Zone number
[✻] = continue
00 = exit Zone Programming mode
Enter the 2-digit zone number to be programmed and the Voice Descriptor
for the selected zone number will be announced, if it is programmed. Press
✻] to advance.
• Zone 01 = hardwire
• Zones 02-25 = RF zones (only)
• Zones 26-41 = Button zones (only)
• Zone 92 = Duress
• Zones 95, 96, 99 = Panic zones
Pressing 00 exits mode, upon which the prompt “56” blinks, indicating the
mode is inactive. Press [
✻] + any field number to go to that field.
b zt
Zone type
00-24 = zone type
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
Note: If 00 is accepted as a zone type, save the 00
zone type and advance to the confirm delete
prompt (F).
Each zone must be assigned to a zone type, which defines the way in
which the system responds to faults in that zone. Enter the 2-digit zone
type for this zone as follows:
00 = Not Used 08 = 24 Hr Aux
01 = Entry/Exit #1 09 = Fire without verify
02 = Entry/Exit #2 10 = Interior w/Delay
03 = Perimeter 20 = Arm–Stay
04 = Interior Follower 21 = Arm–Away
05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night 22 = Disarm
06 = 24 Hr Silent 23 = No Alarm Response
07 = 24 Hr Audible 24 = Silent Burglary
C rc
Report code
Enter the report code for this zone.
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
The report code consists of 2 hexadecimal digits, each in turn consisting of
2 numerical digits. For example, for a report code of "3C", enter [0][3] for
"3" and [1][2] for "C".
If this is Zone 1, 95, 96 or 99, the system skips to the VOICE
DESCRIPTOR prompt (1C).
d i
Input type
3 =RF (supervised RF) – sends periodic
check-in signals, faults, restore and low
battery signals
Note: RF type transmitters must remain within
range of the receiver, otherwise a
supervision failure signal will occur.
4 = UR (unsupervised RF) – sends same as
“RF” type, but control does not supervise
the check-in signals
5 = BR (button type) – sends only fault and low
battery signals; does not send restores or
check-in signals
Note UR and BR type transmitters may be carried
off premises (out of range without causing a
supervision failure.
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
Enter the input type for the transmitter assigned to this zone. Refer to the
transmitter’s instructions for input types of each transmitter.
Note: Zones 2-25 should be assigned Input Type 3 or 4 . Zones 26-41
should be assigned Input Type 5 only.
E l
Loop number or Loop and Serial
number (if using RF Learning)
1-4 = loop number for the zone of the
transmitter being entered.
0 + [✻] = continue to DELETE ZONE
prompt (F)
[✻] = continue to the ENROLL MODE prompt
(1A) if not entered, or VOICE
DESCRIPTOR prompt if already entered
[#] = return to previous prompt
This prompt can be used to enroll loop number and serial number via RF
transmission or the loop number can be enrolled manually. If using the
RF Learning Mode, there is no need to manually enter a loop number.
Proceed directly to RF Learning
Notes: (1) BR type devices cannot be enrolled by using UR or RF type.
Likewise, UR or RF type devices cannot be enrolled by using a
BR type device. There is a 52-second time-out for RF
enrolling. At the end of the time-out, the system returns to
the INPUT TYPE prompt (d). If enrolled, loop number and “L”
are displayed.
(2) Once encrypted (high-security) devices have been enrolled they
must be activated. Refer to the device’s Installation
Instructions to activate the High-Security Mode.