System Operation
“Follow Me” Reminder Feature
This feature allows the user to schedule a time driven message. When activated the system will dial a phone number, that the
installer programs in Field
✻46, and deliver a voice message (custom words 72, 73, and 74). The LYNXR will immediately
begin transmitting the voice message and will repeat the message for 45 seconds. Pressing any touch-tone key on the
answering phone will acknowledge the message ending the session and preventing the system from redialing the programmed
number. Delivery of a reminder message on the local LYNXR keypad will continue. If the message has timed out the system
will redial the programmed number a maximum of seven additional times or until it is acknowledged. Pressing any key on
the LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) both the follow me reminder and the local reminder announcements.
Notes: (1) This feature is only supported if programmed in field ✻49.
(2) The follow me reminder will be terminated if any other event requires the system to dial out, or if an audible alarm has
occurred, however, delivery of the local schedule reminder message will continue.
“Follow Me” System Announcement Feature
This feature allows the LYNXR to deliver a voice system message to the secondary phone number
programmed by the installer. The LYNXR will first transmit reports to the Central Station and after
receiving its kiss-off the system will dial the secondary phone number and begin transmitting the voice
message. This message is a repeatable system status announcement. Like the Follow Me reminder, pressing
any key on the answering telephone or the local LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) the message.
The system will dial the secondary phone number a maximum of eight times. The Follow Me alarm
functions may be triggered by a variety of events depending upon the selections made during programming
in field
Note: The follow me system announcement will be terminated if any other event requires the system to dial out or if an
audible alarm has occurred.
Powerline Carrier Devices (e.g. X-10 devices)
If Powerline Carrier Devices are used, two keypad entries available to the user are included. They
can manually activate or deactivate the device(s) for starting or stopping some action, such as
turning lights on or off, etc.
These keypad entries are:
Security Code* + [#] + [4] + Device # activates (starts) that device.
Security Code* + [#] + [7] + Device # de-activates (stops) that device.
*Code is required for devices 7 and 8. Code is not required for devices 1-6.
Exit Error Alarm Displays
If programmed:
• A display of “CA” and a zone indication will appear if an exit or interior zone contained a fault
during closing at the time the exit delay ended (e.g., exit door left open), but the system was
disarmed during the entry delay time. The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously, but
stop when the system is disarmed. No message will be transmitted to the central station.
• A display of “EA” and a zone indication will appear if an exit or interior zone contained a fault
during closing at the time the exit delay ended, but the system was NOT disarmed during the
entry delay time. The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously until the system is
disarmed (or timeout occurs). An Exit Alarm message is sent to the central station.
• The “EA” display, etc. will also result if an alarm from an exit or interior zone occurs within two
minutes after the end of an exit delay.
In any of the above cases, use a second OFF sequence (code plus OFF key) to clear the display.