Before Servicing
Before starting to perform an inspection service or carry out a disassembly and reassembly oper-
ation on a vehicle, read the precautions given below. To facilitate actual operations, notes, illustra-
tions, photographs, cautions, and detailed descriptions have been included in each chapter wherever
necessary. This section explains the items that require particular attention during the removal and
reinstallation or disassembly and reassembly of general parts.
Especially note the following:
Battery Ground
Before completing any service on the vehicle, disconnect
the battery wires from the battery to prevent the engine from
accidentally turning over. Disconnect the ground wire (–)
first and then the positive (+). When completed with the
service, first connect the positive (+) wire to the positive
(+) terminal of the battery then the negative (–) wire to the
negative terminal.
Edges of Parts
Lift large or heavy parts wearing gloves to prevent injury
from possible sharp edges on the parts.
Use a high-flush point solvent when cleaning parts. High
-flush point solvent should be used according to directions
of the solvent m anufacturer.
Cleaning vehicle before disassembly
Clean the vehicle thoroughly before disassembly. Dirt or
other foreign materials entering into sealed areas during ve-
hicle disassembly can cause excessive wear and decrease
performance of the vehicle.