
4: Configuration Using XML
PremierWave XN Command Reference 38
sessions telnet or ssh (Attribute of
"instance" is "<decimal>")
local port decimal number
remote ip address ip address in format
remote port decimal number
duration elapsed time in format d
days hh:mm:ss
line (Attribute of “instance”
is <decimal>)
baud decimal number
parity decimal number
databits decimal number
stop bits decimal number
flow control
tcp snmp RtoAlgorithm decimal number
RtoMin decimal number
RtoMax decimal number
MaxConn decimal number
ActiveOpens decimal number
PassiveOpens decimal number
AttemptFails decimal number
EstabResets decimal number
CurrEstab decimal number
InSegs decimal number
OutSegs decimal number
RetransSegs decimal number
InErrs decimal number
OutRsts decimal number
netstat SyncookiesSent decimal number
SyncookiesRecv decimal number
SyncookiesFailed decimal number
EmbryonicRsts decimal number
PruneCalled decimal number
RcvPruned decimal number
OfoPruned decimal number
OutOfWindowIcmps decimal number
LockDroppedIcmps decimal number
ArpFilter decimal number
TW decimal number
TWRecycled decimal number
TWKilled decimal number
PAWSPassive decimal number
PAWSActive decimal number
Group Name (continued) Item Name Value Name Valid Values