Chapter 5 - Monitoring Conferences
To view the participants status in the gateway session:
• Double-click the conference icon or click the plus [+] icon next to the
gateway session.
The list of participants of the gateway session opens.
In Figure 5-3 the IP participant dials the GW Service prefix, the pound sign #
and the ISDN phone number of the H.320 endpoint. The system displays the
phone number of the ISDN participant (293711111) and the alias of the H.323
endpoint initiating the gateway session. The same numbers appear as the
participant names.
Figure 5-3: Gateway Session - H.323 Participant Status Indicators
As shown in Figure 5-4, the H.320 endpoint dials to an H.323. The dialing
string is comprised of the MCU ISDN dial-in number (one of the numbers
allocated to gateway calls) and the H.323 alias (in E.164 format). The H.323
is entered as the extension number and is sent to the gateway in TCS4 format.
The system displays the ISDN endpoint’s CLI number (or NOCLI if no CLI
number is detected) as part of the gateway session name and the ISDN
participant name.
Figure 5-4: Gateway Session - ISDN Participant Status Indicators