Chapter 7 - Meet Me per Conferences and Meeting Rooms
2. Define the dial-in numbers to be assigned to the conference as follows:
3. Click OK. The dial-in numbers are added to the table in the Meet Me
Service - ISDN Service pane.
4. If participants use more than one ISDN Network Service to connect to
the conference, repeat steps 1 to 3 to define dial-in numbers for these
additional ISDN Network Services.
Table 7-1: Meet Me Service Options
Option Description
Service Name Enter the name of the ISDN Network Service or the
T1-CAS Network Service to be used by participants to
connect to the conference exactly as it is defined in the
Network Services list (the system is case sensitive).
Dial-in Number
Enter the first dial-in number to be assigned to the
conference. This number must be defined in the dial-in
numbers range defined for the selected ISDN Network
Service or the T1-CAS Network Service. For more
details regarding the dial-in numbers range, see the
MGC Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 3.
Note: When connecting ISDN lines via a private PBX
to the MCU, the PBX may truncate the dialed numbers.
In that case, the dial-in numbers defined in the ISDN
Network Service may include only part of the dialed
string. The operator must add the truncated digits to
the dial-in number conveyed to the participant.
Dial-in Number
Enter the second dial-in number to be assigned to the
conference. This number is optional.