Chapter 7 - Meet Me per Conferences and Meeting Rooms
If you are using the conference name to dial in, the gatekeeper ignores the
letters in the dialed string and uses just the digits to identify the Network
Service. The call is forwarded to the MCU with the conference name, which
is used by the MCU to identify the destination conference.
Figure 7-2 illustrates the H.323 dial-in.
Figure 7-2: Meet Me Per Conference H.323 Participants Dial-in
Monitoring Meet Me Conferences
When an undefined participant in a Meet Me Conference dials into the
conference, the system tries to connect the participant using the Bonding or
H.221 protocol. If the connection uses the Bonding protocol, during the
negotiation with the endpoint the number of additional channels to be
connected is communicated, and the connection proceeds as in a standard
Bonding connection.
• Currently, Polycom PathNavigator, RadVision and VCON gatekeepers are
known to support the Prefix option. Using gatekeepers of other brands may
cause problems when running such a conference.
• Sharing of resources between MGC323 modules is unavailable. If five ports
are taken by currently defined participants, it will be impossible to add a sixth
participant who requires two ports for the same conference.
• The number of undefined dial-in participants is limited by resource availability
and the maximum number of participants allowed for the conference.