
Chapter 10 - Lecture and Presentation Options
5. Define the following parameters:
Table 10-1: Lecture Mode options
Option Description
Lecture Mode The following options are available:
None - Disables the Lecture Mode.
Lecture Mode - Enables the Lecture Mode.
When enabling the Lecture Mode, an indication,
the Lecture Mode icon, appears at the top right
corner of the dialog box.
Presentation Mode - Enables Presentation
Mode. When enabling the Presentation Mode, an
indication, the Presentation Mode icon, appears
at the top right corner of the dialog box.
For more information, see “Presentation Mode”
on page 10-9.
Lecture Show - Enables the Lecture Show. You
must add at least one participant before selecting
the Video Sources tab to activate this option.
When enabling the Lecture Show, an indication,
the Lecture Show icon, appears at the top right
corner of the dialog box.
For more information, see “Lecture Show” on
page 10-14.
Timer Select the Timer check box to enable the automatic
switching between participants.
Interval This option is enabled when the Timer option is
checked. Define the number of seconds a participant
is to be displayed in the lecturer window before
switching to the next participant.
Lecturer name Select the Lecturer name from the drop-down list.
The list displays the names of all the participants
defined for the conference.