Chapter 8 - Entry Queues, Operator Conferences, and Attended Conferencing
Once the information is entered and the target conference is identified, the
participant is moved to that conference, and the operator moves the next
participant in line to the Operator conference.
To move a participant to the Operator conference:
• In the Participants Queue list (in the Browser pane) or in the
Participants Queue window, double-click the icon of the participant you
want to move to the Operator conference.
The participant is automatically moved to the Operator conference and
the Attended Participant window opens.
In the Attended Participant area, enter the participant name, and general
information (User Defined fields), change the participant status to VIP
and/or chairperson, and modify the listening and broadcasting volumes.
In the Operator area, you can modify your listening and broadcasting
In the Conferences area, you can list all the On Going Conferences,
Meeting Rooms, and Reservations, depending on the selected listing
criteria and search the list for the required destination conference.
An active Operator conference must run on the same MCU as the Participants
Queue to be able to assist Participants waiting in the Participants Queue.
Attended Participant
Operator options
Conferences list
Action options