Chapter 7 - Meet Me per Conferences and Meeting Rooms
Defining a Meet Me Conference
The Meet Me Per Conference option is enabled in three stages:
• Enabling the Meet Me Per Conference option in the Conference
Properties - General dialog box.
• Specifying that undefined participants may connect to the conference in
the Conference Properties - Participants dialog box and defining the
number of participants (if any) for which MCU resources should be
reserved. You can also define the maximum number of participants
allowed in the conference.
• Defining the conference dial-in number(s) in the Conference Properties -
Meet Me Per Conference dialog box
To define a new Meet Me Conference:
1. Connect to an MCU and expand its options tree.
2. Right-click the On Going Conferences icon, and then click New
The Conference Properties - General dialog box opens.
3. Define the conference general parameters such as conference Name,
Duration, Passwords (if required), and Numeric ID. You may also define
the user defined fields if they are enabled in your system. For more
details, see Chapter 4, “To define the conference General parameters:”
on page 4-37.
You can also create a Meet Me Reservation or Reservation template.
The numeric ID (or the conference name) is used as part of the dialing string by
H.323 dial-in participants in the Advanced dial-in mode. For details, see “Dialing
Into the Conference in the H.323 Environment” on page 7-11.