312651601 • Rev A 3
Installing and Configuring the VSM
To plan and verify completion of the installation, use the checklist below.
VSM GUI Installation Summary and
Use the checklist in TABLE 2-1 to help plan and complete your VSM GUI installation and
configuration tasks.
TABLE 2-1 VSM GUI Installation Summary and Checklist
Task Mark when Completed
“Verify VSM GUI Hardware Prerequisites” on page 4
“Verify VSM GUI Software Prerequisites” on page 4
“Verify Installation Materials” on page 4
“Load VSM GUI from Tape or CD-ROM Media” on page 5
“Unload the VSM GUI SMP/E JCL Data Set” on page 12
“Set Up the SMP/E Environment and Install the Software” on page 13
“APF Authorize the VSM GUI Libraries” on page 18
“Customize the VSM GUI Startup Proc” on page 18
“Customize the VSM GUI Parameter File” on page 19
“Start the VSM GUI Server” on page 25