20 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
serverdomain domain
The server domain name reported in responses; for example, yourcompany.com.
The default is all blanks.
port pppp
The IP network port the server listens on for connections. The default is port 80, the
standard HTTP port.
The effective IP network port must be accessible for use by the server and it must not
be reserved for use by another jobname (that is, by the TCP/IP PORT or
PORTRANGE configuration statements).
Also under OS/390 or z/OS, the server started task requires SAF authority to
interface with TCP/IP or initialization errors will occur For example, use the
following procedure for RACF:
1. Create a RACF group with an OMVS segment and GID for the server started task:
groupname OMVS(GID(groupid))
http is the name of the server started task procedure/
userid is the RACF userid to be associated with the started task.
groupname is the RACF group associated
2. Create a RACF userid with an OMVS segment and UID for the server started task.
ADDUSER userid DFLTGRP(groupname) OMVS(UID(uid))
Security Parameters
Security is enabled by the security parameter described below.
Note – If you want to use the GUI to run EXPORT, you must give the server address
space sufficient authority to write to the data set name you are using for the manifest
file. If you want to use the GUI to run IMPORT, you must give the server address space
sufficient authority to read from the data set name you are using for the manifest file.
authname title
The authentication realm title, which appears on the browser userid/password
prompt. The default is StorageTek Virtual Storage Manager.
authuserfile file
Specifies the text data set containing the user information data set. The file reference
can be of the following formats:
DSN:dsname - data set name
DDN:ddname - DDNAME in startup proc