16 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
8. Run customized member I8ACCEPT to ACCEPT the HTTPD server and SAS/C
FMIDs and required PTFs.
■ By default this job will fail with return code 12, due to STOP instructions in the PTFs
due to DELETE statements in the SMP/E commands. You will need to modify the
job to allow the PTF DELETE commands to be processed with a BYPASS statement.
■ This job will end with return code 4.
■ SMP/E warning code of GIM24701W is normal and expected due to the LINK-EDIT
parameters not obtained and using defaults.
■ SMP/E warning code of GIM42001W is normal and expected due to BYPASS
instruction in the SMP/E statement.
■ SMP/E warning code of GIM61903W is normal and expected due to the previous
APPLY statements having removed load modules from the DLIB.
ENSAMP VSM GUI sample material
TRANS web content file translations
VSM.EN.ABOUT web content
VSM.COMMS web content
VSM.COMMS.W3C web content
VSM.EN.CONFIG web content
VSM.EN.CONFIG.W3C web content
VSM.EN.DOCS web content
VSM.EN.DOCS.WHDATA web content
VSM.EN.HOME web content
VSM.EN.IMAGES web content
VSM.EN.REPORTS web content
VSM.EN.REPORTS.W3C web content
VSM.EN.SCRIPTS web content
VSM.EN.TEMPLAT web content
VSM.EN.UTILS web content
VSM.EN.UTILS.W3C web content
TABLE 2-6 SMP/E Target Library Contents
Data Set Name Contents