42 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
The worker task t was unable to allocate a memory buffer needed for a directory listing
Task t unable to open directory readme
The worker task t encountered an error when attempting to open a directory readme
file whilst listing a directory.
Task ttconnection error with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx errno error_text
The worker task t had a connection error (error number errno, text error_text) with the
client at ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Task t, connection eof from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
For worker task t, the connection to client at IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ended
Task t connection terminated by peer adr
The network connection to worker task t was terminated by the client with ip address
Task t cmp, abend aaa caught
The abend handler for task t in component cmp, intercepted a type aaa abend. Task t
will be shutdown and a replacement task created.
Task t cmp, illegal instruction abend caught. Code aaa
The abend handler for task t in component cmp, intercepted an illegal instruction abend
of type aaa. Task t will be shutdown and a replacement task created.
Task t cmp memory access abend caught. Code aaa
The abend handler for task t in component cmp, intercepted an memory abend of type
aaa. Task t will be shutdown and a replacement task created.