
312651601 Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 21
The target data set can be a sequential data set or a PDS/PDSE member. The default
is DDN:SKYPSWD which, in the sample startup proc SKYPROC, references the
sample userlist in STKPARM.
security {file | saf}
Specifies the userid verification method:
Userid information is verified against the entries in the specified text file. The file
entries take the format:
userid userid_name password [access_level]
access_level is read, update, control or alter. The default access level is read.
See STKSAMP member USERLIST for a sample entry.
Caution – If you change access levels for a user, the user has to log out and log back in
again for the change to take effect.
The specified system security package, which verifies userid and password
information, and that valid users have access to the profile STKHTTPD in class
FACILITY. The level of access in that profile is the user’s access level for server
functions. The access level permits the GUI operations as shown in
TABLE 2-8.
TABLE 2-8 VSM GUI Authorization Levels and Commands
Commands Authorization Level
All Queries Read
All Reports Read
Archive (for VTCS 6.2 and above) Control
Cancel Update
Vary RTD Update
Vary VTSS Update
Vary Cluster Link Update
Reconcile (for VTCS 6.2 and above) Control
Migrate Control
MVC Drain Control
Recall Control
Reclaim Control
MVC Maintenance Control
VTV Maintenance Control
Consolidate Control
Export Control
Import Control
Audit Alter