312651601 • Rev A Appendix A: VSM GUI Messages and Codes 39
Loaded module <module>
M o d u l e < m o d u l e > w a s l o a d e d a s r e q u e s t e d b y a L O A D M O D U L E p a r a m e t e r .
Connection socket <nn> out of range
The connection socket exceeds the supported range of sockets. The connection will be
dropped and server operation continues.
Unable to allocate <dsn> Reason: <rr> rc=<nn> code=<cc>
The dataset <dsn> could not be allocated due to reason <rr>, dynamic allocation return
code <nn> and code <rr>.
Socket <nnn> settings: linger=<spec> sndBuf=<sss> rcvBuf=<rrr>
Server connection listener socket <nnn> has the following attributes: - linger=<spec>
is the socket time-out on close, either default or (1,<time-in-seconds>) the socket is
unavailable for reuse.
Cannot allocate <dsn>, dynamic allocation error rc=<rc> error=<err>
A dataset cannot be dynamically allocated, dairfail return and information codes.
Unable to set socket option to value
The named socket option could not be set. Processing continues.
Unable to set socket option
A socket option could not be set.
Socket option error: explanation
Indicates why a socket option could not be set.