18 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
10. Run the customized member S1COPY to copy the customizable members to a non-
SMP/E controlled data set.
You must modify the S1COPY JCL line that contains step "//IN1" for the
DSN parameter. Change the default sample data set STKSAMP to the VSM GUI sample
data set ENSAMP.
When the copy has successfully completed, there will be a new data set,
which you can apply your site customization. Refer to the data set members SKUPROC
and SKUPRM00 for sample templates to use.
APF Authorize the VSM GUI Libraries
In addition to the NCS libraries, APF authorize the VSM GUI load library STKLOAD and
SSARRTNS library by any of the following methods:
■ Dynamically authorize the load library by using the MVS SETPROG APF,ADD,DSNAME
operator command.
■ Dynamically authorize the load library by:
■ Adding the load library to the MVS parameter library PROGxx member. For
■ Issuing the MVS SET PROG=xx operator command.
■ (Recommended) Permanently authorize the load library by:
■ Adding the VSM GUI load libraries to the MVS parameter library members
IEAAPFxx or PROGxx. For example:
■ IPLing the system.
Customize the VSM GUI Startup Proc
To create the VSM GUI startup procedure, modify STKPARM member SKUPROC as
described in the JCL comments and add the procedure to the production PROCLIB.
Caution – The VSM GUI startup procedure must specify the active HSC CDS,
otherwise the active CDS can be updated with incorrect values from the secondary or
standby CDS.