16 C2988M-A (6/11)
The following menus are used for making common image adjustments. To select the Image Settings menu options and ranges, press the right
and left arrows◀ or ▶on the remote control or the control panel, and then press ENTER.
The following table lists the image settings, menu options/ranges, and the default settings.
Table C. Image Settings
Settings Menu Options/Ranges Default
Scheme User, Vivid, Cinema, Game, and Sport User
Brightness 0 to 100 50
Contrast 0 to 100 50
Sharpness 0 to 24 12
Saturation (Video Mode
0 to 100 50
Hue (Video Mode only) 0 to 100 50
Backlight 0 to 100 80
Gamma Off or 2.2 2.2
Color Temperature User, 5000ºK, 6500ºK, 7500ºK, and 9300ºK 9300ºK
Red Gain* 128 to 384 256
Green Gain* 128 to 384 256
Blue Gain* 128 to 384 256
Red Offset* –50 to 50 0 (zero)
Green Offset* –50 to 50 0 (zero)
Blue Offset* –50 to 50 0 (zero)
*The color temperature must be set to “User” to adjust this setting.