KL9108 / KL9116 User Manual
The Main Page
The Main Page lists all of the KL9108 / KL9116's ports and governs port
access. Double clicking a port switches you to the device on that port.
Note: The administrator selects which ports are accessible to each user (see
User Management, page 42).
The Main Page uses a tree view to organize the port display. To see the
ports for a particular station, click the plus sign [
+ ] in front of the Station
Number. The Port Number List drops down. To dismiss the list, click the
minus sign[ – ] in front of the Station Number.
A port icon in the shape of a monitor displays in front of the port number.
Ports that have devices connected to them that are up and running have the
port icon lit in green.
Ports that have been selected as Quick View ports (see below), have a red
eye icon displayed with the monitor in the port icon column to indicate so.
There are two buttons on the title bar at the top right:
Button Function
Log out: clicking this button (or pressing F8) closes the OSD
display and logs you out of the KL9108 / KL9116 session.
Close: clicking this button (or pressing [Esc]) closes the OSD
display but does not log you out of the session. You can bring the
display back with the OSD hotkeys (see OSD Hotkey, page 40).