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8. For relay arrays, you can also rename the individual relays in the array. Select the relay number, 0 - 47, and then enter a user-friendly name
for the relay. Assigning a friendly name makes it easier to recognize individual devices on your network. The name must contain fewer than
100 characters and may include only letters, numbers, or spaces. No special characters are allowed in these names.
9. Click Apply to save the settings. Click OK to exit and save the settings (if not already saved through Apply). Click Cancel to exit without
saving the new settings.
The Endura EW5001 and EW5002 wireless access point transmit video streams over an Ethernet network from an Endura NET5301 wireless
encoder to other Endura system components. Configuration information is stored on the devices, and can be accessed from the Devices tab.
Refer to Encoders on page 98 for instructions on configuring the NET5301.
Figure 125. Wireless Device Configuration
To configure a wireless device:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Devices tab.
3. In the device tree, select a wireless device. If necessary, filter the device list to display only wireless devices.
4. Click the Configure button. A login dialog box appears in a Web browser.
5. Enter a user name and password for the device, and then follow the instructions that accompanied the unit to configure the device.
Instructions for configuring these devices is also available in online Help after you log on to the Web page.
6. Exit the Web page, and then click Apply on the Devices tab to save the settings. Click OK to exit and save the settings if not already saved.
Click Cancel to exit without saving the new settings.
Endura maintains a system log that provides an overview of daily events in the system. Each time a user logs on to the system, an entry is written
automatically in the system log. Other entries in the log track alarms that occur throughout the day, diagnostic information about devices, and so
forth. You can also make manual entries in the system log from different locations in the system. A system log can become quite large if it is not
managed properly. You can control how much information is written in the log, how often information is deleted from the log, and where the log
is stored.