126 C1624M-F (9/07)
To edit a user’s profile:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Users tab .
3. Click the user’s name to select it. Information about that user appears.
4. Make any changes required:
• Click Change Password button to change the password.
• Select a different language from the drop-down list.
• Edit personal information.
• Add or delete roles.
• Edit notification preferences.
• Edit export and snapshot configuration.
5. Click Apply to save the settings. Click OK to exit and save the settings (if not already saved through Apply). Click Cancel to exit without
saving the new settings.
The default user settings are automatically applied to any new user. The WS5000 allows you to edit these settings to minimize the amount of
custom configuration required each time a new user is added.
To edit the default user settings:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Users tab .
3. Click Defaults. A dialog box appears.
4. Make any changes required to notification preferences, export/snapshot configuration.
5. Make any changes required for time zone display preferences. If you select this preference, time zone information will appear along with
date and time information in video panes, search result titles, system log results, and alarm dialog boxes and history displays.
6. Click OK to exit and save the new default settings. Click Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
Figure 143. Editing User Defaults