54 C1624M-F (9/07)
The NET5301T-I intelligent video encoder supports up to three alarms. These alarms can be associated with a behavior and can be reset after
they have been triggered. Alarms associated with behaviors also appear on the Alarm Manager tab, and entries about them are included in the
system log. To add a comment about an alarm associated with a behavior, follow the instructions at Adding a Note to the System Log on page 58.
For additional information about the Alarm Manager tab, refer to Working with Alarms on page 55.
To reset an alarm, complete the following steps:
1. Right-click a video pane that is displaying video for a camera that is attached to an intelligent video encoder.
2. Select Analytics from the shortcut menu, and then select Reset Alarm from the submenu. The alarm is reset.
Figure 59. Resetting an Alarm for a Behavior
Each behavior contains unique features and provides unique tasks. These tasks are available from the shortcut menu when you right-click in the
video pane while monitoring video from a camera that is connected to an intelligent encoder. For example, a behavior that counts objects as they
enter the field of view provides a task to reset the count back to zero. For additional information about these unique features, refer to the
operation manual for the behavior.