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6. If the desired location does not exist:
a. Navigate to the place in the location hierarchy where you would like to add the new location.
b. Click New. A dialog box appears.
Figure 106. Adding a Location
c. Enter a new location name.
d. Click OK or click Cancel to exit without adding a new location.
e. If you click OK, the new location appears in the hierarchy, already highlighted for easy selection.
7. To delete a location, highlight the location name and then click Delete.
NOTE: If other devices have been assigned this location, this action deletes the location only for that device. If no other devices have been
assigned this location, clicking Delete removes the location from the system entirely.
8. To rename a location, right-click the name or click the Rename button and then enter the new name.
9. To rearrange the list of locations, click and drag a location name to a new position. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the move.
Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
10. Click OK. To exit the dialog box without saving the changes, click Cancel.
Use the device tree on the Devices tab to reassign device locations quickly and easily.
To move a device to a different location in the device tree, click the device and drag it to the new position.
To select multiple devices listed in sequence, click the first device, hold down the Shift key, and then click on the last device on the list you want
to move.
To select multiple nonadjacent devices, select the first device, hold down the CTRL key, and then click on the other devices you want to move.