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Refer to the following sections for details on each tab’s settings.
7. Click Apply to save the settings. Click OK to exit and save the settings (if not already saved through Apply). Click Cancel to exit without
saving the new settings.
To create general settings for a camera:
1. Click the General tab. Refer to Figure 107.
2. Assign a camera number. In large systems, assigning a logical number can be helpful in organizing your camera lists and in quickly calling
up cameras.
3. To enable PTZ controls:
a. Set the camera type to Pan and Tilt or Dome. The default option is Fixed.
b. Select the PTZ control mode type. Options include the following:
• Disabled
• Coaxitron
• Extended Coaxitron
• D - Protocol
• P - Protocol
4. Enable or disable motion detection by clicking the check box. Refer to Motion on page 95 to adjust the motion detection settings.
5. Enable or disable audio by clicking the check box. Refer to Audio on page 96 to review the audio settings. If necessary, follow the
instructions in Step 8 to associate the audio with other cameras.
6. If available, enable or disable video termination by clicking the check box. Video termination lessens the effects of ghost images on the
final device when several video devices are connected together in a chain.
7. Assign the camera to one or more Camera Groups:
a. Click Add. A list of existing camera groups appears.
b. Check the boxes beside each camera group you want to associate with the camera.
c. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to exit without saving.
Figure 108. Assigning a Camera Group