122 C1624M-F (9/07)
To add a new user:
1. Click the Setup button .
2. Click the Users tab to view a list of existing user names and their profiles.
3. Click Add. A dialog box appears.
Figure 136. Adding a User
4. Enter the new user name. You may use letters, numbers, and spaces; do not use symbols or other special characters.
5. Enter the user’s password. Passwords may include letters, numbers, and spaces; do not use symbols or other special characters.
NOTE: Some users will access Endura through the VCD5000 video console display. Endura automatically converts the letters in a password to
numbers. Users then enter their password from a KBD5000 keyboard while working at a VCD5000. For more information, refer to the VCD5000
Operation manual (C1618M).
6. Click OK to confirm the addition of the new user. Click Cancel to close the window without saving the new user’s profile.
7. Select the user’s preferred language from the drop-down list. English is the default language. Other languages will be available if a
language pack has been installed.
8. Enter the user’s first name, last name, phone number, and e-mail address. This information is optional but may be useful in generating
notifications and other scripted interactions.
9. Select the user’s roles. Users must be assigned at least one role to access devices on the network. Users may be assigned more than
one role.
NOTE: To create a new role or edit an existing role, click the Roles tab. Refer to Managing Roles on page 113 for more information.
To assign a role to a user:
a. Click the Add button under Roles on the Users tab. A dialog box appears.
Figure 137. Adding a Role to a User
b. Check box of the role (or roles) you want to assign. If you select the Administrator role, you cannot select additional roles.
c. When you have finished selecting roles to add, click OK.
d. To exit the dialog box without saving the role assignments, click Cancel.