C1624M-F (9/07) 83
As noted above, individual cameras may be assigned different picture quality settings. Clicking the Reset button on the System Configuration tab
forces all of the cameras to switch to the system’s picture quality setting.
By default, device registration is set to Open. This allows all devices to register on the network the first time the system is used. After all the
devices are registered, click the Register button to change the setting to Closed. This prevents unauthorized devices from registering themselves
on the Endura network.
Setting the device registration to Open allows any device to register itself. To operate a more secure network, keep the device registration set to
Closed after the initial system configuration and manually register any subsequently installed devices.
To register new devices manually:
1. Click the Register button.
2. Click the check box of the device (or devices) you want to add to the network.
3. Click Register Now. A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the addition.
4. Click Yes to add the new device (or devices). Click No to cancel the registration.
Figure 100. Registering New Devices