C1624M-F (9/07) 147
Updating Software
Endura allows administrators to update software quickly and easily on remote devices, including Endura devices and non-Endura devices.
To update the software on a device:
1. Save the new software package to the default location for retrieving updates (C:\Program Files\Pelco\Endura\GUI\Update).
2. Open the WS5000 application.
3. Click the Setup button .
4. Click the Update Software tab .
5. Use the device filters at the top of the window to filter the device list.
6. Click the device or devices you want to update.
NOTE: When selecting multiple devices to update, all must be of the same device type. It is recommended that you update one block of devices
at a time.
7. Click the “Select software package” button to select the software update package. A selection dialog box appears.
8. Navigate to the file containing the updated software.
9. Click the Update button. The status column shows the progress of each individual device’s update procedure. A progress bar at the bottom
of the screen shows the tracks the update procedure.
10. When the update is complete, a dialog appears informing you of the success or failure of each attempt to update a device.
Figure 174. Setup: Update Software