20 FileMaker Server Getting Started Guide
28. In the FileMaker Server Overview pane, note the IP address of the server.
Tip Write down the IP address so that you can start the Admin Console from another computer.
Windows: When Admin Console starts and the firewall is on, an alert displays. Click Unblock to start
Admin Console.
Next steps
Now that you have deployed FileMaker Server, get started using your new software.
1. Start Admin Console: See “Starting Admin Console” on page 49.
2. Test your installation: FileMaker Server provides a sample database and a one-click method to verify
that your installation is working. See
chapter 3, “Testing your deployment.”
3. Register your software: Register your copy of FileMaker Server. See “Registration and customer
support” on page 68.
4. Administer FileMaker Server: For information on how to upload databases, schedule backups, and
other regular tasks, see
chapter 4, “Administration overview.”
Write down
the IP address