Welcome to FileMaker
Server 11. FileMaker Server is a dedicated database server that opens
Pro files, makes them available to other machines on a network, and publishes FileMaker data in
web pages on the Internet or a company’s intranet. FileMaker
Pro is an application for creating and
modifying database files. Clients use FileMaker Pro to access database files hosted by FileMaker Server.
Before you install, confirm that your machines meet the minimum requirements listed below.
System requirements for FileMaker Server
This section provides the minimum and recommended requirements for running FileMaker Server on the
following systems:
1 Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server version 10.5.8 and 10.6.1 (Intel-based computers only)
1 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2
1 Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition SP2
1 Windows Server 2008 R2
1 Windows 7 Professional Edition
Note FileMaker Server is supported on Windows 7 for single machine installations for development use.
Windows 7 is not supported for deployment use on multiple machine installations.
For information on systems that are not listed here, see www.filemaker.com.
Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server version 10.5.8
Requirement Recommended Minimum
Hardware CPU Dual Core Intel 1.67 GHz Intel Core Duo
Hard drive 80+ GB 80+ GB
Software OS 10.5.8 10.5.8
Web server Apache 1.3 Apache 1.3
PHP PHP 5.2.11 PHP 5.2.11
Java 5.0 (32 bit, 1.5.0) 5.0 (32 bit, 1.5.0)