Chapter 4
Administration overview
This chapter explains the basics of how to:
1 start FileMaker Server Admin Console
1 upload a FileMaker Pro database
1 back up databases hosted by FileMaker Server
1 host databases connected to ODBC data sources
1 enable ODBC data source single sign-on
1 run a server-side FileMaker script
1 send messages to FileMaker Pro clients
1 view log file entries in Admin Console
1 send email notifications to clients
For detailed information about using Admin Console to administer FileMaker Pro databases and clients that
are connected to hosted databases, see FileMaker Server Help.
About FileMaker Server Admin Console
FileMaker Server Admin Console is an application that lets you configure and administer FileMaker Server,
work with and monitor hosted databases and clients, and track statistical information.
To administer FileMaker Server, you can run Admin Console on the computer where FileMaker Server is
running or on a different Windows or Mac OS networked computer.
FileMaker Server Admin Console
Navigation pane
Details pane
Help information