48 FileMaker Server Getting Started Guide
You administer FileMaker Server by choosing options on the menus, toolbar, or Navigation pane. The
results are shown in the Details pane, where you can select tasks, specify configuration options, or monitor
activity. Tasks that can be performed from the toolbar include:
1. Start Database Server
2. Stop Database Server
3. Start Web Publishing Engine
4. Stop Web Publishing Engine
5. Start Upload Database assistant
6. Open FileMaker Server Start Page in a web browser
7. Open FileMaker Server Test page to test access to a sample database hosted by FileMaker Server
8. Launch PHP Site Assistant
Using Admin Console to administer FileMaker Server
When administering FileMaker Server, you can:
1 Configure FileMaker Server application properties.
1 Open — or host — a FileMaker Pro database file, making it available to clients on the network.
1 View information about the files being hosted, like the number of clients accessing each database.
1 Send messages to connected clients.
1 Close a hosted FileMaker Pro database, making it unavailable to clients.
1 Disconnect a selected client from all hosted databases.
1 Pause or resume hosted databases.
1 Create scheduled tasks to back up, verify, and clone hosted databases.
1 Start or stop the Database Server.
Delegate database administration tasks to group administrators (FileMaker Server Advanced license required)
1 Start or stop the Web Publishing Engine.
1 Configure settings for Instant Web Publishing.
1 Configure Custom Web Publishing settings for XML, XSLT, or PHP.