Chapter 2
Deploying FileMaker Server across multiple machines 25
Installing on multiple machines
For a multiple-machine deployment, you install FileMaker Server software on each machine. After the
software is installed on all of the machines, you use the Deployment assistant on the master machine to
configure your settings and specify which machines run which components. You do not use the Deployment
assistant on worker machines.
Important Install the FileMaker Server software on the worker machines first and then on the master machine.
Before you begin
Do the following before installing FileMaker Server on multiple machines:
1 To enable web publishing, make sure the web server is enabled on the worker machine that has the web
server. See
chapter 6, “Setting up the web server.”
1 When running FileMaker Server in an environment that uses a firewall, be sure to configure the firewall on
each machine to allow FileMaker Server to use them. Restart each machine after configuring the firewall.
1 To upgrade from an earlier version of FileMaker Server, see chapter 5, “Upgrading or moving an existing
installation.” To upgrade to FileMaker Server Advanced, see “Upgrading the FileMaker Server 11
license” on page 10.
1 Locate your license key. See “About the license key” on page 10.
1 If you are currently running FileMaker Pro on the same machine, you must quit FileMaker Pro before
installing FileMaker Server.
Port number Used by Purpose
80 Web server machine, end users HTTP
443 Web server machine, end users HTTPS
5003 Master machine, end users FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server for hosting files
5013 Master machine (local only) FileMaker Server Helper service (Windows) or daemon
16000 All machines, Admin Console users HTTP: Admin Console Start Page, Admin Helpers
16001 Master machine, Admin Console users HTTPS: Admin Console communications
16004 All machines Admin Console
16006 Web Publishing Engine machine FileMaker Internal
16008 Web Publishing Engine machine FileMaker Internal
16010 Web Publishing Engine machine Custom Web Publishing Engine
16012 Web Publishing Engine machine FileMaker Internal
16014 Web Publishing Engine machine FileMaker Internal
16016 Web Publishing Engine machine Apache Jakarta Protocol (AJP) 1.3
16018 Web Publishing Engine machine Apache Jakarta Protocol (AJP) 1.3
50003 Master machine (local only) FileMaker Server service (Windows) or daemon (Mac OS)