Chapter 2
Deploying FileMaker Server across multiple machines 23
Database Server and Web Publishing Engine
You can install Database Server, the Web Publishing Engine, and all of the associated software components
on the same machine as your web server.
Benefits: This is the simplest deployment and the one that most FileMaker Server users will use. This
configuration is suitable for small deployments (up to 50 FileMaker Pro clients) and limited web publishing.
Two-machine deployment
You can deploy FileMaker Server across two machines in two ways.
You deploy the Web Publishing Engine, web server, and Web Server Module on one machine. You deploy
the Database Server on a second machine.
Benefits: This deployment separates all of the web publishing-related components from the Database
Server. Under most conditions, this configuration is the highest performing FileMaker Server deployment.
Ports 80, 5003, 16000, 16001, 16016, and 16018 must be open.
Ports 5013, 16004, 16006, 16008, 16010, 16012, 16014, and 50003 must be available.
Admin Console
Web Server
PHP Engine
Web Publishing
Database Server
Web Server Module
Database Server
Web Publishing
Ports 16000 and 16004 through 16018
must be available.
Machine 1 (worker) Machine 2 (master)
Ports 5003
and 16000
must be open.
Ports 5003, 5013, 16000,
16001, and 50003 must
be available.
Admin Console
Web Server
PHP Engine
Web Server Module