Chapter 4
Administration overview 51
To create a scheduled task for backing up databases, choose the Admin Console Schedules pane, select
Create a Schedule from the Actions menu, and click Perform Action. Then, choose Back Up Databases, and
specify whether you want to back up hourly, daily, weekly, or on a custom schedule.
Database backups are saved in the default backup folder or in a folder that you specify. You can specify the
default backup folder on the Admin Console Database Server > Default Folders tab. You can also select the
maximum number of database backups you want to keep for a scheduled backup.
When FileMaker Server backs up a database, it copies the database while it is active. Users can continue to
make modifications. When the copy is complete, the database is paused to synchronize backup files with the
current database and then the database is resumed. You can set options to verify the backup, save a clone of
the database without the data, and send email notifications to clients.
Note If you use Time Machine on a Mac OS machine, exclude FileMaker Server folder items from the Time
Machine backup. Use the FileMaker Server Admin Console to create a database backup schedule.
Verifying the integrity of databases
Use the FileMaker Server Schedule assistant to create a scheduled task to:
1 verify all hosted databases
1 verify hosted databases that are in a specified folder
1 verify a specified database
To create a scheduled task for backing up databases, choose the Admin Console Schedules pane, select
Create a Schedule from the Actions menu, and click Perform Action. Then, choose Verify Databases, and
specify how often you want to verify the databases.
Hosting databases connected to ODBC data sources
FileMaker Server can host FileMaker Pro databases that are connected to external SQL data sources. In
FileMaker Pro, you can work with the ODBC data in much the same way that you work with data in a
FileMaker file. For example, you can add, change, delete, and search external data interactively.
To host databases connected to ODBC data sources after the ODBC data source has been defined in
FileMaker Pro, on the master machine create the DSNs (Data Source Names) required by each database. To
create the DSN, choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) (Windows) or ODBC
Administrator (Mac OS).
See FileMaker Server Help for more information on using ODBC and JDBC with FileMaker Server and
accessing external ODBC data sources.
Note You do not need to enable the OBDC/JDBC data source feature of FileMaker Server Advanced to host
FileMaker Pro databases that access an external SQL data source via ODBC.
Enabling ODBC data source single sign-on (Windows only)
If you work with FileMaker Pro databases hosted by FileMaker Server that access ODBC data from
Microsoft SQL Server, you can configure the master machine to enable single sign-on (SSO). ODBC data
source single sign-on allows FileMaker Pro clients to use their Windows-authenticated login credentials and
permissions to access Microsoft SQL Server without logging in.