Chapter 3
Testing your deployment 43
Deployment assistant reports that the web server test failed
If the Deployment assistant cannot communicate with the web server that you specified, you can provide
more information and try again.
To change web server settings:
1. In the Web Server Test Failed step in the Deployment assistant, specify the Protocol, Host address, and
Port for the web server and click Retry.
You may encounter this during initial deployment or when you click Edit Server Deployment in the
Admin Console (FileMaker Server Overview pane).
2. Examine the Web Server Test Results:
1 If successful, the result is Web Server Test Passed.
1 If unsuccessful, the Deployment assistant could not communicate with the web server. This test can
fail if your web server requires HTTPS or uses a port other than 80 (port 80 is the default for HTTP
and port 443 is the default for HTTPS). You can re-enter this information and try to communicate with
the web server again.
1 Make sure that you can access the web server using a web browser from the master machine. If you
are using HTTPS, make sure the certificates are installed and valid. Try these steps again.
1 If still unsuccessful, then click Skip this step and configure later.