EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 156
Internet Explorer Settings:
Make sure that the IP address of the ARENA PC is added to the trusted sites
and that the Automatic Prompting from File Downloads option is enabled
(see ARENA Installation Guide EN1Z-0906GE51).
Add Comment
1. Use the functional overview described in the “Custom Graphics Controls
Overview” section below when applying the following steps for adding
2. Drag&drop the ´Comment` control to the drawing space.
3. In Appearance, enter the text in the Text field.
4. As desired, set relevant properties for the custom control graphic for
Appearance, Behavior, Data, Design, and Layout. in the Properties pane.
Add Line
1. Drag&drop the ´Line` control to the drawing space.
2. Use the functional overview described in the “Custom Graphics Controls
Overview” section below when applying the following steps for adding lines.
3. As desired, set relevant properties for the custom control graphic for
Appearance, Behavior, Data, Design, and Layout in the Properties pane.
Custom Graphics Control Overview
The following table shows an overview of all available custom graphic controls
explaining their function.
Custom Graphic Control Function Select Property
… in Properties pane
under …
Document Link Links to any kind of document such as
.doc, .xls file.
Required Role
Settings Link Links to settings of a segment or to a list
of settings (parameter) file of a specific
segment. This allows operating a
setting/setting overview directly from the
Required Role
Comment Used as short descriptors for areas in a
level or otherwise where there is a need
to add text, for example, instructions.
- -
Time Program Link Links to a specific time program of a
segment or to the time program overview
of a segment. This allows operating a
time program/time program overview
directly from the graphic.
Time program
Required Role
Line For drawing building blocks. They have
no function other than decoration
- -
Picture Used to display an image. This is
primarily for decoration and is mainly
used to provide a background for hot
- -
Value Used to display device datapoint values
and other specific system information, i.e.
temperature or fan speed. This allows
operating a datapoint directly from the
Required Role
External Graphic Page Link Links to a graphic page of a remote
Remote Arena
Required Role
Graphic Page Link Links to a different graphic page of own Panel Navigation