25 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
Usage of Illegal Characters
It is forbidden to use the following characters when working with ARENA:
• Slash character ”/” in alias names
• Special characters and Umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö, ü in site names when creating
sites. After creation of the site, you can change a site name in the tree using
these characters.
Using any of these characters may result in an unexpected behavior of ARENA.
Date and Time Format Display Settings
The display of date and time as it used in various lists within ARENA depends on
the language settings for the browser. To get the desired format displayed, set the
corresponding language to the highest priority as desribed in the “Internet
Explorer/General” section of the ARENA Installation Guide EN1Z-0906GE51.
The ARENA application includes the following main software components:
ARENA user interface
The ARENA user interface for viewing and operating ARENA is invoked by clicking
the CL Arena 2.0 program icon
on the desktop. This will start the Internet