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3. Right to the File field, browse to the folder where you want to save the export
4. Click Export button.
5. Click Close button.
Manage Library
With this function, you can manage the library content and the view of the library
components (configurable standard applications, room controls, segments).
To start and work with the library manager, do the following:
1. In the system tray, right-click on the Service icon.
2. In the context menu, click Manage Library. The Library Manager dialog box
2. Under List of segments in Library, for each library component, the following
information is displayed:
– Identifier (for internal use only)
– Segment Type
Name of the library component as displayed in the library view
– Family
– Family which the component belongs to. The family name determines the
folder in which the component is inserted.
– Version
Version of the library component. In COACH multiple versions of the
same library component can be handled simultaneously.
– File
File name (.DLL).
3. To determine which library component is visible or hidden in the library view,
check the checkbox in the first column for a library component you want to
shown and uncheck the corresponding checkbox if you want to hide the library
4. To import new or other segments via .CSL file, click Browse and select the
CSL file. Then click Open. CSL files are provided by Honeywell CentraLine and