93 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
Settings, also called parameters, are available on project, plant, and controller level.
Settings can be uploaded from the PANTER / TIGER controller. From the SERVAL
controller settings upload is not possible. Settings can be modified by value and
name (alias) and a list for multiple settings can be printed.
Depending on the level, the settings list display differs in the number and kind of
columns (settings properties). Depending on the selected level, a setting can feature
maximum the following properties displayed as columns in the list:
• Plant
Plant name
• Segment
Segment name
• Device
Controller name
• Name
Settings name, i.e. number in text file
• Value/Unit
Current settings value with unit.
• Type
Settings type, for example, analog, digital, etc.
• Direction
Shows datapoint direction, either Input or Output, which the setting belongs to.
NOTE: The max. number of properties displayed depends on the level selected in
the tree and also on the list display configuration.