EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 84
a. In Server Name or IP, enter the address of the POP3 server (name or IP
address) you want to use to receive emails, e.g. pop3.web.de”.
b. In Port, you must change the port used to receive emails via POP3 if your
ISP uses another port than the default port 110. Change it accordingly, if
It may happen, that an anti-virus software may block the port 110 which is
necessary for receiving emails. In this case, you must change the
configuration settings xof the anti-virus software in order to allow ARENA
forwarding alarms (see Anti-Virus Software Tools and Ports in the
”Security” chapter of the ARENA / RANGER Installation Guide, EN1Z-
c. Check Server requires authentication and enter User and Password, if
the Email-Server requires authentication.
d. Uncheck Server requires authentication if the Email-Server does not
require authentication.
e. Required Authentication protects mailboxes by user name and password.
f. Check Use same as for sending if user name and password is the same as
for sending emails via SMTP server.
g. Check SSL, if the SMTP server uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
standard for the data transmission.
Each installation of ARENA requires its own mailbox, when it is used for
forwarding alarms. Ideally, you give the mailbox a name that allows you to
determine which ARENA sent the alarm to you. The mailbox must usually
reside on the POP3 server.
5. Select the Alarm Message tab.
Alarm Message Tab
Here you define the alarm text you want to be sent via email. The alarm text will
be composed by entering free text and combining this text with various pre-
defined text components (placeholders). By default, a pre-defined alarm text set
is displayed in the Message list. You can use, change or extend this according
to your needs as follows: