EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708 58
c. In Remote Site Address or IP Address, enter the URL or the IP Address of
the remote ARENA PC.
Under Connect, select Directly if you want to connect to the remote ARENA
without an ISP (Internet Service Provider, see NOTES below). Select Dial to
ISP first using if you want to connect via ISP (dial-up). From the list, select
the ISP. If desired add or remove ISP connections using the
buttons. To edit ISP properties, click
button and change properties in the
Connection Settings dialog box.
Dial-up connections are typically used to connect to an ISP (internet service
provider) when the mail server is not reachable via LAN.
– Yahoo cannot be used as ISP because there are issues on the provider
side concerning external email access. Use an alternative ISP.
– ARENA shows all dial-up connections on your PC here, except the ones
used to connect to remote sites. ARENA will also allow creating new
Dial-up connections to ISPs, which is the recommended way for alarm
forwarding. You can choose an existing dial-up connection to an ISP.
When selecting an existing dial-up connection, make sure that the modem
connection is set up in a way that it does not attempt to retry after the phone
line drops, because this conflicts with the retry attempts of ARENA. You can
check this by selecting Connect to / Show all connections from the Windows
Start menu. Then open the properties of the connection.
d. Continue with step 110.
10. Incoming connection from remote site
a. In Connect Through, select connection type from:
– None
No alarms can be received
ARENA connects to the remote site via TCP/IP.
– Modem
ARENA connects to the remote site via modem.
ARENA connects to the remote site via virtual private network.
b. In User Name, enter the user name.
c. In Password, enter the password for the user.
– User name and password of the supervisor ARENA must match the user
name and password under Outgoing connection to remote site on the
remote ARENA.
– On both ARENAs, user name and password
must comply with the
Windows network requirements.
If necessary, please contact the I.T.
administrator for detailed information.
– This user has not to exist in the user administration of both, Supervisor
ARENA and remote ARENA.
11. Click OK button.