27 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
Starts / stops ARENA and shows its status information (Running, Stopped). In
addition, an optimize disc space command is available.
Stops the service and shuts down ARENA.
Show ARENA Version Information
1. In the system tray, right-click on the Service icon.
2. In the context menu, click About.
RESULT: The About CentraLine ARENA information box displays showing
the actual used version of ARENA.
3. After you have read the version information, click OK.
Backup / Restore
Backing up a project copies the ARENA database information in one single file to a
backup directory. Restoring the database retrieves a copy of the database to place it
in the PC. This procedure is useful if the PC files are corrupt or if changes were
made that need to be erased.
Backups and Restores can only be done locally and complete. It is not possible to
backup/restore parts of the ARENA database because “large info” as trends and
alarms can be deleted from the backup before doing it or after restoring it. Backups
contain the graphic pages too. Backup/Restores via Web are not possible.
Data can be restored from a previously back upped database. If a backup is done
with a previous ARENA 2.xx version, it will be automatically upgraded.
NOTE: This Backup / Restore function restores ARENA data only but not controller
data like time programs and settings.
1. In the system tray, right-click on the Service icon.
2. In the context menu, click Backup / Restore.
3. For backups, click the Backup tab, for restores, click the Restore tab.
4. Browse to the folder where you want to save/open the database.
5. For backups, click Backup button, for restores, click Restore button.
6. In case a message box displays, confirm the message by clicking OK.
NOTE: In order to perform an ARENA database backup, it is necessary to be
logged onto the PC with administrator privileges.
NOTE: When performing a backup, the ARENA service is stopped (red color of
service icon) and restarted (green color of service icon) after finishing the
backup. During the backup phase, the ARENA user interface cannot be
Export Data to ARENA Editor
You can export the complete site structure (incl. time programs) from a running
ARENA into a file.
Then, the file can be opened in the ARENA Editor to allow picking the information
for the data bindings. The names of the items (e.g. sites, controllers, datapoints,
NVs, etc.) are displayed in a tree as in ARENA and can be picked. Changing of alias
names in ARENA will not be reflected in the graphics and after the renaming in
ARENA, the data binding will still work.
1. In the system tray, right-click on the Service icon.
2. In the context menu, click Edit or Export.