51 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
11. Under Outgoing Connection to Remote Site do the following:
a. Check Enable in order to access the remote iLON 10 site. When unchecking
this option you cannot access the site.
When restarting the ARENA Service (see “ARENA Application” section), all
iLON 10 will be automatically connected, independent of the Enable setting.
Automatic connection also occurs if a graphic contains a datapoint of the
remote site.
b. In User Name, enter the user name which is used by iLON 10 to authenticate
connections from the supervisor PC, i.e. ARENA. In the Windows Dial-Out
connection to the site, this user name will be used to contact the site. In the
iLON 10 configuration (section "Security"), this setting will be stored as user
name for incoming PPP connections (see also Incoming Connection from
Remote Site settings)
c. In Password, enter the password which is used by iLON 10 to authenticate
connections from the supervisor PC, i.e. ARENA. In the Windows Dial-Out
connection, this password will be used to contact the site. In the iLON 10
configuration (section "Security"), this setting will be stored as password for
incoming PPP connections (see also Incoming Connection from Remote
Site settings)
d. In Remote Site Phone No., enter phone number of the remote site. A
"comma" can be used as a pause-indicator. Example: To dial to an outside
line where a leading "0" is needed, then a pause, and then the "real phone
number" (e.g. 0711/520 4), use the following: "0, 07115204".
e. In Modem
a list of modems currently installed in the PC is shown.
Select the modem which you want to use for connecting to the site. Multiple
modems can be selected. In this case, the topmost modem is tried first. If
busy, the next modem is tried.
f. Click Advanced icon
if you want to change specific modem settings.
Allows setting advanced modem settings as follows:
Initialization String
Enter string of modem commands which is sent to the modem each time the
PC dials out to the site. Can be used to enable modem specific functionality.
Wait for dial tone before calling
If you want to switch off waiting for dial tone, which is necessary for some
telephone plants, deselect this checkbox.
12. Under Incoming connection from remote site, do the following: