TOTTIME The total time, in seconds, used to process this request.
NEWTIME The total time, in seconds, used to process this request since the last message.
TOTAVG The average time, in seconds, used to process a request of this type.
NEWAVG The average time, in seconds, used to process a request of this type since the last message.
The values in the TYPE column will be one of the following resources:
ALL Total line for all resources
AD Application description
AR Automatic recovery
PERI Calendar periods
CALE Calendar
WSCL All workstations closed
WSD Workstation description
LTPS Long-term plan
PLAN Long-term plan status
WS Current plan workstation status
WSRL Current plan workstation status requested from the ready list
RL Current plan ready list
OPER Current plan operation
OPRL Current plan operation requested from the ready list
PREP Preparation CPU operations
DEPC Dependency operation
R3P Current plan operation record
C3C Current plan occurrences
C3CR Current plan occurrences requested from the ready list
CP_G Current plan general
JCL JCL Repository record
JSUB Job submission
JCLA Automatic JCL preparation
JCLP Promptable JCL variables
JCLT JCL tailoring
JVAR Tailoring session
JV JCL variable table
RACF Refresh RACF resources
SRES Special resources
ETT Event-triggered tracking
OI Operator instruction
STAT TME 10 OPC status record
MCP Modify current plan
DEP Successor candidates
CATM Catalog management
OTHR All other resources
System action: Normal TME 10 OPC processing continues.
User response: None.
Chapter 10. EQQGnnn Messages 107