
31 Failing operation record could not be read.
32 Invalid stepname or no step with that name.
33 More than one step in JS record with the given name.
34 JS dataset in use. Recovery test canceled.
35 JS dataset member in use. Recovery test canceled.
36 OP record has been changed. Recovery test canceled.
37 Invalid range.
38 No occurrence exists for the specified application.
39 Recovery actions taken.
40 No JS record.
41 Restart step not present in the JCL.
42 Step end entries missing in JNT record (CPLREC04). The error can relate to:
Nested procedures
JCL INCLUDE statements
JCL IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF statement constructs.
These JCL statements are restricted by automatic job recovery when used in conjunction with the ERRSTEP,
RESSTEP, or STEPCODE parameters of the RECOVER statement.
43 Parameter not supported when STEPEVENTS(ABEND) specified.
44 RESSTEP=% specified but error not related to a step.
45 A required service function (NMM) has terminated.
46 No free input arrival time for the application to add.
47 Missing value for parameter.
48 Authorization check requires user ID.
50 Adding identification data to messages in ARTOP.
51 Error in ALTWS parameter.
52 Error in ALTJOB parameter.
User response: Check the RECOVER statements. Comment lines that describe the error in detail are added to the
JCL. When you have found and corrected the error, you can use the ended-in-error list of the Modify Current Plan
dialog to initiate a new automatic job recovery attempt.
Explanation: Automatic job recovery was attempted for the job that ended in error but was inhibited because of a
problem with reason code
. This message differs from EQQC046W in that automatic job recovery was not able to
identify the application to be handled.
System action: No recovery is made and the job remains ended in error.
Problem determination: Message EQQC047E has a list of the reason codes and their meanings. Review the JCL
of the identified operation. Identify the recovery actions described in the RECOVER statement of the JCL.
User response: Look up the meaning of reason code
in the list given in message EQQC047E. Review what
recovery actions are taken and see if they match the actions requested in the RECOVER statement. If necessary,
use the Modify Current Plan dialog to perform the rest of the recovery actions.
Explanation: Automatic job recovery was attempted for the job that ended in error but was inhibited because of an
error with reason code
. This message differs from EQQC047E in that automatic job recovery was not able to
identify the application to be handled.
System action: No recovery is made and the job remains ended in error. The extended status of the operation is
set to E.
Problem determination: Message EQQC047E has a list of the reason codes and their meanings. The JS record
may have been updated with information about the error. Review the JCL of the identified operation. Identify the
recovery actions described in the RECOVER statement of the JCL.
User response: Look up the meaning of reason code
in the list given in message EQQC047E. Review what
recovery actions are taken and see if they match the actions requested in the RECOVER statement. If necessary,
use the Modify Current Plan dialog to perform the rest of the recovery actions.
Chapter 4. EQQCnnn Messages 37