
1124 3999
Explanation: Invalid action code. (Internal NCF error.)
System programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.
Explanation: Problem accessing the special resource dataspace during daily planning, and the VALEACTION
keyword of BATCHOPT specifies ABEND.
System programmer response: Take a copy of the old current-plan file, the EQQCXDS file, and the EQQRDDS
file, and contact your IBM representative.
Explanation: Not enough storage available to continue execution.
System programmer response: Make sure that the region size specified for the tracker subsystem meets TME 10
OPC requirements. If it does not, enlarge the region size accordingly and restart the subsystem. Otherwise, contact
your IBM representative.
Explanation: TME 10 OPC's internal validity checking has discovered an error condition. This is an indication of an
internal TME 10 OPC error. A message that contains the reason for the abend, as well as other debugging
information, is written to the TME 10 OPC diagnostic file.
System programmer response: Contact your IBM representative.
480 TME 10 OPC Messages and Codes